Thursday, March 21, 2013

Old Home Week: Welcome Back Alumni!

The week before Spring Break, several art alumni came back to campus for a visit -- to take in their old art stomping grounds in the classroom and studios, as well as the Jacobs Collection and Cochenour Gallery and a little further afield -- at Lock and Key.

Thanks to everyone who visited. It was a wonderful week. You're always welcome to come back for another visit and bring another alum with you - we love having our GC art family return home to the Wilson Building! 

Jonathan, class of 2007 and U of L graduate curatorial program '09,
 who is teaching art history and art apprec in West Virginia. He commented to Gallery Monitor and art history major, Lynsey (on the right above) GC'14, "This picture is my jam!" referring to the Jacobs Collection's print by Sam Francis. 

Daniel, Darrell, and Peggy (class of 2010) who is now in grad school @ UK

Cortney (class of 2010) and K-Lev (Guest Blog Poster and grad of '08)
with Earl Grey enjoying an evening of half-priced appetizers at Lock and Key!

Stephanie (class of 2008) with Jonathan reliving their Florence memories
from the Summer of '06 -- yay! study abroad!

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