Friday, April 22, 2011

Public Art Symposium Today

Panel Two

It's a tight-pack symposium: from Jim Clark's "let art lead the way," to Jones's "shred [it] to plant a tree," the 9am panel set the agenda. Taking stock of "our" public art economy ranges broadly. The public art engagements do seem to have taken us well beyond the Lysicrates monument, (I'll get to blogging/smartphone apping soon, after panel 3). It has also, which what makes this just as exciting, remained relatively unchanged. That is to say, to “work locally and think globally” actually holds true to Ancient Greece as well as to Georgetown College's sculpture program, the New Albany Bicentennial Public Art Project or any recent LexArts initiative. More after lunch.



Local public art programs, initiatives and projects. Panelists will offer a brief overview of their public art projects, funding, programming, and administration and recent achievements.

Moderator: Alice Gray Stites, artwithoutwalls, Louisville


  • Jim Clark, President and CEO, LexArts, Lexington
  • Karen Gillenwater, New Albany Bicentennial Project, Carnegie Center for Art and History and New Albany Urban Enterprise Association
  • Mary Lou Northern, Senior Advisor for Parks and Cultural Affairs, Metro Louisville
  • Hallie Jones, Creative Director and PAINT (Producing Art in Neighborhoods Together), Center for Neighborhoods

INTRO/ Panel One

*all photos by Gregory Decker

1 comment:

Earl Grey said...

Many thanks to Boris Zakic for posting throughout the day. Your comments, posts, and interjections succinctly capture the dialogue(s) we were hoping for.

Will post the link to the online stream of the day's events soon (they're being created by UofL tech).