Friday, April 22, 2011

Panel Two and Lunch...

lunch topic: the issues of permanence. A nice extension to what came up during the Q&A: How does the temporality of accepted proposals, if a recent trend at all, measure up to bronzes a la Hamilton (you can picture Davidson's fountain here instead, too) etc.? To which, Leticia Bajuyo, quoting Christo, suggested a flipside, that there is a "bravery" of sorts that could be associated with an artist undertaking a project, knowing it will have been short lived and "passed." Rhetorical device or not, the "bravado" does give way to the instantaneous, freshness and dialogue. It also aids to the cost effectiveness by eliminating the need for preservation and minimizing the opportunity for vandalism. After all, consider the annual waxing of all public bronzes required by State of Kentucky as one of those laboursome steps. Thank you Peter for engaging me in the conversation.



How do artists define the terms “public” and “art”? Discussion of specific works and projects in the region will highlight ways in which public art has been created, is received and further re-viewed over time.

Moderator: John Begley, Gallery Director, Hite Art Institute, University of Louisville


  • Ed Hamilton, sculptor and Morgan Professor, Department of Fine Arts, University of Louisville
  • Leticia Bajuyo, Associate Professor of Art and Gallery Director, Hanover College, Madison, IN
  • Valerie Sullivan Fuchs, video artist

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