Monday, April 25, 2011

Moving assembly line

(This is a project from an 8th grader.  The video, research, and images is all cited at the end.)

     Fords Moving assembly line definitely changed the industrial world. For the better or worse is definitely up for debate.  Obviously it created a distance between craft and production. Minus assembly line work like found in the Steinway Piano factory (see trailer below, full movie available in library).
But I think much like the industrial revolution changed the countries view on higher education, Fords work on the model T changed the face of object making and the expectation of the public in its cost and reasonings. This is a constant battle for the role of the artist and craftsman, it is now up to the maker to educate their audience.
     There has been such a loss in the way of productivity, that I don't know if it can ever be redeemed. Much like the suburban mass production that has created so many homes and bred an expectation of speed and less than average creation as an acceptable norm.  I see this now bleeding into academia where education has for many become Fords moving assembly line. It has become a set of boxes to check off with no real skill invested in any one over the other. In what hopes? In the hopes to finish. So many say "I cant wait to get out of here". This saddens me greatly.  (I have not named this subject as  student or faculty because I see it in both.)
    There is a great solution to this apathy towards quality, and it goes back to before the Model T. The answer is investment of yourself into a craft. Whatever that craft is, writing, making, studying, analysis, storytelling, teaching, etc.  Where your time (mental or physical) is there is your practice. For some they have an apprenticeship in napping, some in multitasking, and some have an apprenticeship under the belief of career searching (which for some has potential of rightness).  I just ask you to consider thinking across your time and find who you are learning under.

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