Link to Fall schedule
Link to Fall course counts
ART 370 A: Sketchbooks with Daniel Graham, T&R 8:30-10:50. This studio course addresses the fundamental concepts of art found in making and filling books. Students will be exposed to the processes for traditional and non-traditional bookmaking. In this course students will have the opportunity to explore and experiment with a variety of mediums in the process of filling their books, including xerox transfer, drawing, painting, photography, and wax. Centered around personal journeys and narrative based concepts, students will learn to translate experiences and daily life into artist books.
ART 370 B: Alternate Photographic Processes with Darrell Kincer, M&W 3:30-5:50. This course explores a variety of photographic printmaking and print-manipulation processes that depart from the more prevelent standard apporaches. Digital imaging and file preparation will accompnay printing processes such as silver gelatin (b&w), cyanotype, gum bichromate, Van Dyke, mordançage, and others. Prerequisite: ART 120 or permission of instructor.
ART 435: Web Design with Daniel Graham, MW&F 9:00-10:45. Students will learn interactive techniques and interface design using HTML code, Flash, and Dreamweaver, among other applications. Students create several projects which emphasize thematic development, visual consistency, and style throughout the semester. Prerequisite: ART 234.
ART 302: Curatorial Studies with Dr. Decker, F 12:00-2:30. To erase any confusion, this class was formerly known as Careers in Art.