Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Its already November! can you believe it? A month from now everyone will be preparing for final exams..ahh! 

Anyways! This post might be my last post for the semester (sad face) so I thought I would talk about something fun, graphic design! Now that senior thesis is over and I am no longer teaching art lessons each week, I have been thinking about working on some graphic design projects. Sometimes I have a hard time getting started on projects, and now I am at the point where I want to further develop my graphic design skills. I was doing a little research and I stumbled into a site that had a list titled "7 Ways to Fine Tune Your Graphic Design Skills" and the tips were actually very helpful, so I thought I would share. 

Enjoy the first week of November! Its almost Thanksgiving (: 


1 comment:

Earl Grey said...

Congratulations on completing your thesis and getting another layer of experience as an educator. I look forward to hearing about your experiences in teaching over the next semester or so:)

And, of course, thanks for your post!