Monday, January 30, 2012

Here's to....

the opportunity to meet artists exhibiting at Georgetown College Art Galleries!  Students can get up close and personal with both contemporary works of art and the artists who made them.  Regular, changing exhibitions in the Cochenour and Anne Wright Wilson Fine Art Galleries give students and community members the chance to speak directly to professional artists living and working today.  For example, here are a few photos from last year, last semester, and last week featuring Georgetown College students and friends:
GC Students past and present, Cortney Thorn, Devon Stivers, Bess McHone, Hannah Snider with visiting NYC artist Linda Stein (3rd from left), Dr. Decker (center) and artgal (right)

Shelby Riddell (far left) and others enjoy listening to Chicago-based environmental artist Allison Warren 

Devon Stivers and Terrell Taylor discuss the photographs of Louisville artist Michael Winters before his artist talk
Michael Winters conversing with community member during the opening reception for the Cochenour Gallery exhibition, "Deeper Into the Presence: Pictures from Red River Gorge by Michael Winters"


Sister Thorn said...

This photo is one of my favorites, the cool thing is that I still am in constant contact with Linda, emailing back and forth. If you put forth the effort to stay in contact with these artists they will help you in your future!

Earl Grey said...

Thanks for the photos, art gal.

Cortney -- hope you're enjoying London. Promise we'll skype again soon!