Friday, March 28, 2008

Fall '08 Art Classes of Interest

Link to Fall schedule HERE.
Link to Fall course counts HERE.

ART 370 A: Sketchbooks with Daniel Graham, T&R 8:30-10:50. This studio course addresses the fundamental concepts of art found in making and filling books. Students will be exposed to the processes for traditional and non-traditional bookmaking. In this course students will have the opportunity to explore and experiment with a variety of mediums in the process of filling their books, including xerox transfer, drawing, painting, photography, and wax. Centered around personal journeys and narrative based concepts, students will learn to translate experiences and daily life into artist books.

ART 370 B: Alternate Photographic Processes with Darrell Kincer, M&W 3:30-5:50. This course explores a variety of photographic printmaking and print-manipulation processes that depart from the more prevelent standard apporaches. Digital imaging and file preparation will accompnay printing processes such as silver gelatin (b&w), cyanotype, gum bichromate, Van Dyke, mordançage, and others. Prerequisite: ART 120 or permission of instructor.

ART 435: Web Design with Daniel Graham, MW&F 9:00-10:45. Students will learn interactive techniques and interface design using HTML code, Flash, and Dreamweaver, among other applications. Students create several projects which emphasize thematic development, visual consistency, and style throughout the semester. Prerequisite: ART 234.

ART 302: Curatorial Studies with Dr. Decker, F 12:00-2:30. To erase any confusion, this class was formerly known as Careers in Art.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

336 & Project Compassion

ART 336, Graphic Design Principles, has been working with a few organizations on campus and in the community to do design work. Our most recent assignment was to collaborate with Project Compassion to create a logo along with its application within a set of stationary. To see some of these outstanding designs, click HERE. To find out more about Project Compassion and how you can get involved, click HERE.


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Cochenour Gallery

So the new show is going up in the Cochenour over in the library and I met the artist yesterday her name is Debra Davis. She combines photography with small scale sculpture. She has some pretty cool stuff check out her website HERE or better yet just walk over to the library.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Fashion Show, Fashion Show, Fashion Show at lunch

The Tee Shirt Fashion show was a impromptu event set to the soundtrack of Andre 3000's Happy Valentine's Day. Fun was had by all, I think this needs to become an annual event.

Coffee table shirts (shirts that start converstation)

Silkscreen has been a big hit (which I must say I am so happy about). The students in ART370:Silkscreen were charged to make shirts that started dialog and would get others to start conversation. Due to the amount of great shirts i could not show all of them so here are just a few

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Graphic Design and a Movie

For those who might be interested, we'll be watching Stranger Than Fiction in ART 336 (graphic design principles) today (Thursday) at 3:30. Feel free to come and join us. We'll start by viewing a 15 min. documentary on MK12, the design group who helped create the unique G.U.I system seen throughout the movie that helps illustrate the inner workings of Will Ferrell's character, Herald Crick.

Hope to see you there!


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Gaela Erwin - artist talk

This past Monday, artist Gaela Erwin retuned to the Georgetown Art Department to give an artist talk discussing her paintings. A very large group of students was in attendance. (I guess it didn't hurt that it was a CEP.)

Gaela's work is part of a current show titled "Metamorphosis of Identity," also featuring the drawings of Nina Buxenbaum and digital images of Chris Twomey. She informed the crowded house about her techniques of painting from life (which is amazing when you consider her subject and subjects) and her interest in the self-portrait as portrayed through the depiction of saints and other individuals.

The show will continue to be on display in the Wilson Gallery through March 30 with hours M-F noon to 4:30 and Sundays 1:30 to 4.

If you would like to find out more about Gaela, here are some links to her work at Anne Tower's Gallery and through KET.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Welcome Home

And so starts the GC::VA blog. So please submit images and anything else going on in the Art Department at Georgetown College.